I recently teamed up with Tales-of-a-First-Grade-Teacher to create these Candy Corn graphics for a fun Halloween Craft and Writing activity.
This is a great Halloween activity to do with your class or with your own kids at home.
Your students can cut out the masks and mustaches and glue them onto their candy corn. The graphics come in color as well as black & white line art so that they can color them in themselves.
It also comes with three different writing activities for grade levels Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades.
You can purchase the 15-page printable activity for only $3.00 at Teachers-Pay-Teachers
If you just want to download the graphic (without the writing activities) to make your own Halloween decorations, you can purchase them for $2.75 from StudioKWN. You can also purchase this funny...I mean... Scary Ghost as well!
Thanks to the 1st-grade students at West Gate K-8 in Saint Lucie, Florida for sharing their Candy Corn creations. They did a fantastic job!